Completed Planning Studies

Below is a list of all the past supplementary plans and planning studies that were conducted and sponsored by the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization in our planning area:

State Route 365 Planning Study, 2024

The State Route 365 Planning Study was developed by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and provides an in-depth analysis of present and future conditions on State Route 365 from I-985 to Belton Bridge Road in Lula, along with strategies and potential alternatives for long-range improvements of the corridor.

Flowery Branch Parking & Mobility Study, 2024

The Flowery Branch Parking & Mobility Study provided the City with a list of strategies and costs to increase parking availability downtown, especially during large events, and to increase overall mobility in the area.

Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Plan, 2023

The Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Plan (ZEVTP) provides Hall Area Transit with a comprehensive guide towards phasing out their current combustible engine fleet with low to zero-emission electric vehicles through newly available federal funding sources.

Highlands to Islands Design Guide, 2022

The Highlands to Islands Design Guide provides comprehensive visual guidelines which will assist local jurisdictions in the development of Highlands to Islands Trail. The Design Guide provides options for trail furnishings, signage, branding, and construction materials to assist in the cohesive aesthetic development of the trail network.

Braselton Trail Study, 2022

The Braselton Trail Study explored multiple routes for a paved multiuse pathway that would connect the Braselton Life Path, which currently ends near the intersection of State Route 211 and Liberty Church Road, to downtown Braselton. At the end of the study, a preferred route was identified along with projected costs and potential funding sources.

State Route 365/Jesse Jewell Traffic Impact Study, 2021

In response to recent developments in the region, including the planned Inland Port along State Route 365, The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO), in partnership with the City of Gainesville, recently completed the State Route 365/Jesse Jewell Parkway Traffic Impact Study. Solutions were identified and ranked by priority for 28 different intersections along with the identification of 10 large systematic improvements, including major widening projects and new roadway connections.

Jackson County Transit Feasibility Study, 2020

This study provided Jackson County with several potential transit system scenarios as the County continues to grow from a large “rural” transportation system to what is designated a small “urban” transportation system. This document details funding projections and estimated costs for three primary scenarios for the County moving forward.

Jackson County Transportation Plan, 2019

This study provided Jackson County with a comprehensive transportation plan, the first update of its kind since 2008. This document provided the County with an overview of past studies, major employers, commute patterns, travel and roadway conditions, existing performance measures related to safety, an assessment of future needs, and a list of recommended projects for the County moving forward.

Flowery Branch Speed and Sign Inventory, 2019

This study provided GHMPO and the City of Flowery Branch with a complete sign inventory and replacement plan for all 1,604 signs posted within the city limits. The study also explored posted speeds along Gainesville Street, Church Street, Lights Ferry Road, and East Main Street and offered recommended changes to those posted speeds as needed.

Gainesville & South Hall Trail Studies, 2019

These two studies explored feasible routing options for multi-use paths that would connect existing trails throughout Hall County. The Gainesville Trail Study focused on making the connection between the Midtown Greenway and the Chicopee Trail while the South Hall Trail Study explored possible connections between the Chicopee Trail and Friendship Road.

Micro-Transit Feasibility Study, 2019

This study analyzed fixed-route transit service provided by Gainesville Connection and demand-response service provided by Dial-A-Ride and explored the feasibility of micro-transit or ride-share service to either replace or supplement existing service.

Dawsonville Highway-McEver Road Connectivity Study, 2019

This study summarizes the assessment of needs, potential transportation improvements and recommendations for the Dawsonville Highway-McEver Road corridor. The study includes development of concept design alternatives, assessment of existing and future traffic operations, assessment of additional improvements, and a summary of public outreach activities and responses.

Oakwood Citywide Traffic Improvement Study, 2018

This traffic study assessed current traffic condition on various roads and intersections throughout the City of Oakwood and recommended solutions to ease such congestion and facilitate better traffic movement. Below is the final report:

Gainesville-Hall Regional Freight Study, 2018

The primary purposes of the freight study were to:

  1. Assess the current freight infrastructure in Hall County and Jackson County
  2. Develop a plan based on latest federal, state, and regional policies
  3. Support the development of a future FAST Act compliant Regional Transportation Plan as it relates to any applicable freight provisions
  4. Address safety and connectivity based on the proposed new interchange, Exit 14, near State Route 13/Atlanta Highway
  5. Recommend areas for improvement, and
  6. Identify specific freight projects for the region

Green Street Corridor Study, Phase 2, 2017

The second phase of the Green Street Corridor Study identified potential alternatives to mitigate recurring congestion on Green Street and recommended specific solutions.

Hall Area Transit Development Plan Update, 2017

The Transit Development Plan (TDP) Update yielded a four-year plan for public transportation within Hall County.  Through data analysis, driver interviews, public open houses, and peer reviews, the TDP yielded recommendations for service moving forward in a way that was beneficial to all within the Hall Area Transit service area.

Sidewalk Inventory Report, 2017

The Sidewalk Inventory Report highlights sidewalk availability throughout the GHMPO planning area and discusses potential opportunities to improve on that connectivity in the future.

Mitchell Street Conceptual Study, 2017

The Mitchell Street Conceptual Study explored alternatives to improve the aesthetics and operations of the Mitchell Street corridor.  The study proposed three different concepts for consideration.

Green Street Corridor Study, Phase 1, 2016

The purpose of Phase 1 of the study was to identify and gain a better understanding of the existing physical conditions within the Green Street corridor that might impact the feasibility of potential operational improvements to Green Street.  Of particular interest were subsurface conditions such as underground utilities, aging and/or substandard drainage systems or poor soil conditions.  Other factors such as the location of existing right-of-way, specimen trees along the corridor or potential historical assets (a potential factor depending on the available funding source used to make improvements to the corridor) were also key in developing a “constraints envelope” within which any future improvement must fit.

GHMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update, 2014

This partial update to the bicycle and pedestrian plan focused on expanding and enhancing multi-use trails to provide off-road facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians.

City of Gainesville Transportation Master Plan, 2013

Following extensive analysis of transportation data and key input from the public, this plan came up with a list of transportation projects for the City of Gainesville to pursue through the year 2040.

Park-n-Ride Surveys, 2012 & 2008

One of the recommendations from the Transit Development Plan was to have a commuter service in Year 5. As a starting point, surveys of the park-n-ride lots on I-985 was undertaken to understand current commuting patterns by Hall County residents to destinations outside the county and determine what the current level of demand is among commuters. Commuter and license plate surveys were conducted at the park-n-ride lots at Exit 4 and Exit 17 on I-985 in July, 2008 and a follow up survey in April 2012.

For more information, view the 2008 Park-n-Ride Survey (PDF) as well as the 2012 Park-n-Ride Survey (PDF).

Flowery Branch Downtown Transportation Study, 2010

This study identified a series of transportation improvements to address the vehicular and pedestrian needs of the City’s historic downtown area. The contents of this document include an inventory of existing conditions, a needs assessment, project recommendations, and implementation strategies.

GHMPO Human Services Transportation Plan, 2009

This plan served as the first step in the development of a coordinated plan for the Gainesville and Hall County areas.  It provided background information on the demographics of Hall County to identify target populations and documented existing transportation providers.  With this foundation, disconnections between groups were highlighted, gaps were exposed, and barriers to seamless implementation were uncovered.  The goal of this plan was to ensure all people, especially those with disability or low income, children, and the elderly had equitable access to appropriate transportation options by offering coordination strategies.

Hall Area Transit Development Plan, 2008

The Transit Development Plan (TDP) served as a five-year action plan for public transportation in Hall County.  The TDP was designed to improve planning and delivery of the HAT services through analysis of existing transit conditions and by garnering feedback from the community.  Two public meetings, two outreach efforts, stakeholder interviews, and coordination with local jurisdictions were conducted to assess existing sentiments, suggesting improvements and identifying new services.  As a direct result of this process, two new routes as well as commuter bus service were recommended in this plan.

GHMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, 2006

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan addressed the goal of providing an integrated multimodal and intermodal transportation system by integrating bicycle and pedestrian facilities into the GHMPO’s plans for state and federally funded transportation projects.  The plan identified proposed projects and design standards for new facilities, along with potential funding sources.

Note:  The above list of documents does not include our main transportation plan– the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), also known as the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  To see our present and past RTP/LRTP documents, please see the links below:

Gainesville-Hall Regional Transportation Plan: 2020 Update (PDF)

Long-Range Transportation Plans Archive